RM Analyzer Help

Action > WindChk

Perform wind checks and calculate critical velocities for:

  • Vortex shedding
  • Galloping
  • Torsional divergence
  • Classical and torsional flutter
Action Code of the selected Action. It is possible to switch to another action without leaving and re-entering the input function.
Action will be skipped (Option) The action will be skipped in the calculation process if the option is selected.
Aero Class Identification number of Aero Class to calculate.
Windd Mass density of air (in t/m⊃3;)

Default (value 0): Use 1.25e-3 t/m⊃3;

CS width, CS height Width and height of cross-section to de-normalize aerodynamic coefficients.

Default (value 0): Take values from cross-section given in Aero Class

Delta-T Duration of the Action (not applicable for this action)
Description Descriptive text for the selected Action (max. 80 characters)